Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Some Thoughts

Feels so good to be back on blogger almost after 6 months. When i was in London, i use to work full time still had time to blog but after marriage, life has changed a lot. I have to take care of one more person- my better half. I am so lucky to have her in my life. This one year passed very quickly.

Back to the topic "Some Thoughts"

1. Things I'm not entirely sure how to pack include: a bowler hat.

2. Percentage of my floor I can currently see: 2%

3. My paper goods weigh disproportionately more than everything else I own combined. (But only as long as we're not counting the tree trunk I like to call a 'djembe.' Because it is a tree trunk.)

4. Why isn't my room packing itself? And paper work, why hasn't that been completed while I sleep? WHY,

5. If a pair of shoes are *perfect* for a number of outfits, but are also falling apart- do I bring them to Seattle because I want to look right or throw them out and figure I can buy a new pair when I get to the US? This is actually a serious question. Help. (Note, this applies to three pairs of shoes, all slightly different.)

6. I have sustained several mysterious injuries in the last week. The cut on my finger I remember, it was from paper cut, but the cut on my thigh? Seriously, how did that happen without my noticing?

7. Too many people to say goodbye to. So instead I'm hanging out on the internet. Productive!

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